
Uncategorized Rising Home Prices are great for Sellers In many Greater Seattle neighborhoods sellers are in the driver's seat. More homes on the market will ease the tight inventory crunch… http://www.realtor.com/news/trends/nar-quarterly-housing-report-1q-2015/?identityID=5218310&MID=2015_0515_WeeklyNL&RID=261939122&cid=eml-2015-0508-WeeklyNL-blog_1_home_prices_up-blogs_news
Uncategorized Greater Seattle Housing Update Sellers, this continues to be your market opportunity! Buyers, don't despair. With the right strategy, a realtor can help you achieve your goal: homeownership! Check out this link: https://www.facebook.com/SeattleHomesandLiving    
Uncategorized Encouraging News from the Housing Market Things are looking pretty good overall! Distractor: the lack of inventory… http://www.keepingcurrentmatters.com/2015/04/20/housing-market-freddie-mac-remains-optimistic/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Blog_Promo    
Uncategorized Looking East over Lake Washington
Uncategorized Pricing Strategies in a Hot Market Pricing in line with market trends is crucial even in a "hot" market to reach the largest buyer pool. Overpricing shrinks the potential target group. Read more at: https://www.facebook.com/SeattleHomesandLiving      
Uncategorized Seattle Neighborhood Grants Got some "beef" with a local issue? Seattle offering money for small local neighborhood improvement projects: http://frontporch.seattle.gov/2015/03/20/city-awards-544000-in-matching-funds-for-neighborhood-projects/  
Uncategorized Hot Seller’s Market in Seattle and beyond… This article "drives home" what's happening in the Seattle real estate market and beyond like Lake Forest Park and Shoreline: Extremely limited inventory and burnt out buyers competing for available homes. It is a seller's market! https://www.facebook.com/SeattleHomesandLiving  
Uncategorized Seattle Residential Sales Trends Learn more about Seattle Residential Sales Trends: http://withwre.com/kimedwardsfukei/files/2015/02/Windermere_Metro_Report_Residential_January_2015.pdf
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Uncategorized Seattle Condo Trends Interested in learning more about Metro Seattle condo trends? Click on the link below:   http://withwre.com/kimedwardsfukei/files/2015/02/Windermere_Metro_Report_Condo_January_20151.pdf
Uncategorized Moisture Issues The Answer To Moisture Traps Blue Board Some people think installing a plastic barrier in the wall is the answer, but this approach only traps moisture. A better way is to use rigid insulation (also known as blue board). This insulation is semi- permeable and allows moisture to travel through the wall, allowing it to […]
Uncategorized The Tulane # 204 Delightful Capitol Hill Co-op Unit Fantastic location and simply super-cute with great ambiance. Open House Sunday 12-3 pm. https://seattlehomesandliving.com/listing/WA/Seattle/408-Bellevue-Ave-E-204-98102/19559690
Uncategorized Fannie Mae Down Payment requirements to go up November 16, 2013 Contact your lender for more information. Down payments requirements will increase from 3% to 5 %.
Uncategorized In-City Co-ops A lot of the fabulous vintage buildings on Capitol Hill, Queen Anne and even the U-District are co-ops. How are co-ops different from condos. Ownership is held differently. You own a condo, with a co-op you own stock in the co-op, a non-profit entity. Co-ops typically are somewhat cheaper to purchase than comparable condos. Things […]
Uncategorized Historic Interest Rate Chart Putting interest rates in perspective: http://www.mediacenternow.com/temp/6701_2.pdf?gd=940c2e02-3e96-43a4-9d1b-c6f53a06d3c5 Courtesy of Ken Pearson/Sterling
Uncategorized Condos Own a condo? It makes a lot of sense to attend your HOA (Home Owner Association) meetings. As a condo owner it's important to stay in the know regarding the financial condition of the condo complex. This includes knowing about potential special assessments or issues that may have to be addressed. This is especially crucial […]
Uncategorized Christmas Ships Today…12/12/12……..historic……..how many years before a similar event? Meantime, enjoy the Christmas ships, either aboard or ashore. Check the schedule for details: http://www.argosycruises.com/themecruises/xmasSchedule.cfm
Active Lifestyle Open House for Lake Forest Park shoreline property owners Ask questions at the Open House: When: October 17, 2012 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Where: Council Chambers Lake Forest Park 17425 Ballinger Way NE http://www.cityoflfp.com/Calendar.aspx?EID=297
Active Lifestyle Active Waterfront Lifestyle on Lake Washington Lake Forest Park Waterfront Living! Great location, close to the BG Trail, a stroll away from Third Place Books, the Library, Farmers' Market…. Convenient public transportation to Downtown Seattle, the Eastside, Everett… http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/B43mP575g4I?rel=0
Uncategorized Positive Home Prices Buyer activity in Seattle is up!  Multiple offers are pretty common in some areas. Recent statistics indicate that in Metro Seattle home prices are strengthening. The Seattle Times picked up on this theme recently: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2018309425_caseshiller30.html
Uncategorized Multiple Offers Are Back Multiple offers are back in NE Seattle and other areas as well… http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304723304577366294046658820.html?fb_ref=wsj_share_FB&fb_source=other_multiline